What you need:
Snow Globe and Snow Man Templates (attached below)
Blue Construction Paper
Black Construction Paper
Crayons or Markers
Googly Eyes
Glue Stick
Marbles or Dry Chick Peas
White Paint
How to Make it:

I have attached printouts for the snow globe and snowman below. Cut out the full shape (including the base) of the snow globe on blue construction paper. Then cut out just the base on black construction paper. Cut out the circles of the snowman and cut up the snowman pieces with large borders (*Note - If you cut the pieces out completely before coloring, it is hard for little ones to color. I cut them out in squares around the shapes.)

Place blue snow globe in box. Mix marbles or chickpeas with a little bit of white paint in a small cup. Allow child to pour the marbles or chickpeas on the snow globe and shake, shake, shake! That will make the background look like it is snowing.
While that is drying, allow kids to color the snowman's accessories: hat, arms, scarf, bow. Our children are only 1 and 2 years old so we cut out the pieces for them after they were colored.
Glue time! We used a glue stick. I find that is easier for the toddlers and less mess. Glue the black base on the bottom. You can let them glue the snowman pieces freely and it will look like the snowman is blowing away in the snowstorm or you can help guide them a little.
Happy Crafting!