As soon as Hunter was old enough for foods, I started making my own purees. I used the BEABA Babycook Baby Food Maker. It was so simple and I loved it. The only negative I found was that I liked to make big batches of purees to freeze and this machine is pretty small. I didn't know it at the time, but they make a "Duo" version if you are looking for something bigger. I used Milkies Milk Trays to freeze the food in 1oz bars. This makes it easy to defrost only what you need without taking a lot of space up in your freezer. It also makes it easy to make combination purees as you defrost.
After he got a little older and was ready for solids, I started trying out some new recipes.
Here are some that he enjoyed.

Easy 4 Ingredient Turkey Meatballs
Ground turkey, sweet potato, baby cereal, and applesauce - That's it! Quick and easy! I would make a big batch, let them cool and then freeze them so I could pull out a couple at a time, as needed.

Apple & Oat Baby Pancakes Hunter loves pancakes and I love him to eat nutritious meals, so this recipe makes us both happy! You could make whole pancakes and cut them up but I just make tiny ones so it's one less step for mama!

Funfetti Popsicles
I was unsure if I would win Hunter over with these. They are made with plain greek yogurt which has a bit of a sour taste. However, it also calls for maple syrup or honey to sweeten it. I used the maple syrup. I thought it would be sweeter and more flavorful. I think the real win here was that it has sprinkles in it and anything with sprinkles is worth trying to Hunter. The first time he seemed a little skeptical and now he loves them! An "ice cream" pop you can feel good about! I even give them to him if he hasn't eaten that well at dinner because I know he is getting the protein he needs.