I have always loved advents calendars and decorations that countdown to Christmas! I feel like it really builds the excitement! I want to include Hunter in this fun tradition but young children don’t really understand the concept of time.
I did a lot of research and tried to find the most toddler friendly countdowns. Hunter just turned 2 so he is on the younger side of being a toddler. The best one I found was a paper chain with numbers counting down the days. Although you can't see time, with this paper chain, you kind of can! You can see if Christmas is a long time away or a short time and they can watch as it gets closer and shorter. I also love any chance to work on our numbers and counting! The best part is that it was a pretty quick prep and you don't need a lot of supplies.
Countdown to Christmas Chain

What you need:
Construction Paper
Tape or Stapler
I cut each sheet of construction paper into 4 strips. You will need 24 in total. Then loop the first strip and tape or staple it closed. Loop the next one connecting it to the first and so on. I added sticker dots with numbers but you can also just write the numbers on. Each night, we will count the days until Christmas and then pull off the bottom loop. Then we will count again to see how many are left!