We do not celebrate St. Patrick's Day in my family but I couldn't let a holiday go by without doing some crafts especially when rainbows are involved!
Rainbow Pot of Gold Handprint

What you need:
Red, Orange, Yellow, Green & Blue Washable Paint
White Paper
Black Sharpie
Gold Glitter
Hunter loves handprint crafts and so do I! This is a quick project for your child, so I like to have him set up to finger paint after. He kept painting his hand and doing his own handprints which was fun.
Just paint each finger a different color of the rainbow, and continue the paint all the way down their hand. Press down their handprint in the middle of the white paper. Allow to dry and draw on your black pot and add some gold glitter circles.
Pipe Cleaner Shamrock Stamps

What you need:
2 Pipe Cleaners
Paper Plate
Green and White Paint
White Paper
Wet Paper Towel (close-by)
You can turn a pipe cleaner into just about any shape. I used 2 pipe cleaners for this. The first one I bend into the shape of a shamrock and the second one, I used to add a stem and handle. I find it easier if you make a shorter handle. It gives them better control. Fold the pipe cleaner down and wrap it around.*

I put 3 different shades of green on a paper plate. I used straight green, added a little white paint to the second and a lot of white paint to the third.
Help your child dip the pipe cleaner into the paint and then press it down on the white paper. It helps if you push the shamrock down with your fingers which is why I keep a wet paper towel close by. Continue to dip and stamp!
*This activity is better for a slightly older toddler.*
Cut Paper Shamrock

What you need:
Shamrock Print-Out on White Cardstock (or cut it out of white construction paper)
2 Shades of Green Paper
Elmer's Glue
Cut out your shamrock and cut green paper into small squares. Depending on the age of your child, you can let them help with this. Squares don't have to be even. Spread glue all over the shamrock. I don't use a glue stick because it dries too quickly. Have your child stick the squares on, covering the whole shamrock. It is fine if it is hanging over the edges. Once they are done, you can let it dry and cut off all of the excess pieces.
Popsicle Stick Pick-Up Truck

What you need:
7 Popsicle Sticks
Black Sharpie
Elmer's Glue
Piece of Cardstock
This project is definitely more advanced. I made the truck for Hunter and we just played with the counting sticks.
1. Allow your child to paint 4 sticks green. Put them on the side to dry.
2. Cut remaining 3 sticks in half. Have your child paint each one a different color: red, orange, yellow, green and blue.
3. Allow to dry.
4. You can cut wheels out of black construction paper or use white if you want to add shamrocks.
5. Once pieces are all dry, you can cut one of the green sticks into 3 pieces to make the top of the truck.
6. Glue sticks together in the shape of the truck as seen in the picture. Glue on wheels.
7. Use a sharpie to add numbers and dots.
8. Cut a piece of cardstock the size of the "truck bed". Glue it onto the back leaving top unglued.
Once it is all dry, you will be able to put your sticks in and out!