During these current times of living through a pandemic, we are looking for more things to do outdoors. I saw something about a scavenger hunt and I thought I could probably make it a toddler friendly activity. If your children are a little older than mine, you could definitely make this a more challenging activity. My son is almost 2 so I tried to keep this very simple.
I printed 8 pictures of things you could find or see in the backyard: a stick, a rock, a pine cone, grass, a flower, a leaf, clouds, and a pumpkin (I brought a few decorative ones). I have attached the sheet at the bottom so that you can print it and use it. But, if you have different things in your yard you can easily make one of your own.
I brought out a basket with all of the cards in it. My plan was that he would pick a card and then we would look for that item and put it in the basket if we could. In true toddler fashion, after the first card he ran away and started playing in the playhouse. My activities are meant to be fun and educational so I don't push something that isn't working. After a little while of playing, my mother and I encouraged him to come over to the basket and it went much better!
I picked the cards the second time. I would show him a pine cone picture and he would find one and put it in the basket. He seemed to really like it. I am realizing that toddlers like to be proud of themselves so we would cheer every time he got one right. Once we made it through all of the cards and filled the basket, we counted each of our items.
This activity would definitely work a little better with an older toddler but we still had fun!